The Complete Brochure Mini-Course
A comprehensive mini-course, giving you everything you need to strategize, lay out, and write effective brochures
“My client says they need a brochure.”

And now, my friends, is when the questions begin.

  • Do they really need a brochure? (Would a different marketing asset work better?)
  • What kind of brochure would work best for them? (Trifold? Bifold? Bazillifold?)
  • What sections and information do I need to include? (And in what order?)
  • What do I tell the designer? (If anything??)
  • How in the world do I PRICE this thing? (cuz I really want the job)

GUESS WHAT: You’re not the first copywriter to ask these questions.

You also wouldn’t be the first to run to Google, type HOW TO WRITE A BROCHURE, then get 17 dense blog posts that leave you more confused than before.
GOOD NEWS: You no longer have to guess. Or pretend. Or rely on a gajillion contradictory blog posts or well-meaning friends who’ve written one brochure to date.

Start accepting brochure jobs with confidence — because you actually know what you’re doing. 


A mini-course from Michal Eisik giving you everything you need to strategize, develop & write brochures that WORK

For less than the cost of your Thursday supermarket run, you will get: 


  • The strategy behind effective brochures
Learn the *4* must-answer questions that ensure great results (and happy clients)

  • A comprehensive understanding of the 4 core brochure types 
Understand which format is best for which scenario  — and come across as an expert

  • A clear overview of the *8* essential brochure elements (+ a few optional)
Get a foolproof template you can reliably customize for every brochure project 

  • Loads of real brochure examples throughout (so it's not just theoretical)
Because real-life examples are what make concepts STICK  

  • Detailed guidance on how to price brochures *smartly*
Because we all know pricing is HARD

  • Full Q&A with Michal at the end of the session
Ask her anything about brochures, avocado toast, or skiing (KIDDING we're gonna keep this to brochures) 


Three CRAZY USEFUL bonuses to make the copywriting easy and the presentation professional

(because...why would you start from scratch if you don't have to???)
The Complete Brochure Cheatsheet
Pull out your brochure know-how FAST -- without having to listen to the full recording again.

Because as much as you love my voice, you also have a life. 


The 4 Questions that make your brochure Different from All Other Brochures (in a good way)

Complete Anatomy of a Brochure  all the deets (and recommended hierarchy) for your 8 must-have sections 

The 3 Optional Sections — and a detailed explanation for each.

Brochure Wireframing for Dummies: A Double Guide

A Complete, Easy-to-Understand Video Tutorial (the unmessupable kind) 


a Text Tutorial (for those who prefer to read)

Wireframing your brochure deliverable means you impress your client, give strong visual direction (read: avoid design flops), and prevent mounds of edits too.

Watch 'em slow or read 'em fast, these tutorials walk you through the key steps needed to prepare a professional and beautiful wireframe — even if you *hate* tech, and even if you don't have 10 hours to fiddle with Google Slides.

The Plug-n-Play Trifold Brochure Template

This template lays out your trifold brochure for you so it's as easy as plug-n-play. 

Quickly visualize the final product and set up best placement for your main sections and content. 

Extra tips and reminders spread throughout the template help you customize the brochure for your client's needs.

What smart copywriters are saying about the Brochure Mini-Course

To sum it up, you'll get:

  • 52-minute video training covering all brochure layout + writing fundamentals
  • Visual-heavy slide deck from the class
  • The Complete Brochure Cheatsheet
  • Brochure Wireframing for Dummies: A Double Guide 
    • A Complete, Easy-to-Understand Video Tutorial (the unmessupable kind) 
    • PLUS a Text Tutorial (for those who prefer to read)
  • The Plug-n-Play Trifold Brochure Template
  • Lifetime access to all materials 

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Comprehensive Brochure Mini-Course$97

All prices in USD

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The Comprehensive Brochure Mini-Course$97

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All sales final. There are no refunds for this product.

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Justin Blackman

"Michal is as good of a presenter as she is a writer. And she’s one of the best writers I’ve ever known."

Rob Marsh

"When we asked Michal to speak at our event,  we knew she would be good—she's a perfectionist after all. But wow... she was fantastic. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. She combines riveting stories with actionable advice that keep people listening. She's one of the best speakers we've ever had." 

Hannah Lipschutz  

“My business has exploded — and I have only CopyTribe to "blame." I've done other courses, but none gave me a comprehensive approach. Learning from Michal is the best investment I have ever made.”

C.S. Teitelbaum , CST Copy

"Once you try a resource from Michal, it's hard for anyone else to match up"

Michal just has a way when it comes to crystallizing any topic, however new or complex. 

I've gotten so used to her style that any other tutorials or classes I've tried literally came across as dizzying. (Yes, world-renowned pros, I'm looking at you.)

It's not their fault. It's just that once you try a resource from Michal, whether her classes, membership groups, or project walkthroughs, it's hard for anyone to match up. You come away a million times cleverer and are always glad you invested the time or money. 


Who is the brochure course for?

It’s for copywriters who (a) currently write brochures or (b) want to start accepting brochure jobs with clarity and confidence. It’s for strong writers who want an organized, reliable framework they can walk through each time they produce a brochure.
With the knowledge and skill set from this class, you will be able to determine:

  • when your client needs a brochure
  • what type of brochure they need
  • the content your brochure should cover
  • the best way to guide and give feedback to a designer to ensure a beautiful and impressive final product.

I’m not a CopyTribe graduate. Will I still be able to gain from this course?  

Yes — as long as you have a basic understanding of copywriting & marketing. Ideally, you’d have completed at least 2-3 copy projects to date.

Do I get to keep the slides, video and templates? 

Absolutely. You’ll get access to the course materials — videos, slides and templates — via Podia (a course platform) for life. You can rewatch the course as many times as you want. Or just whip it out the next time a client says “can you also write me a brochure?”

Can I share the recording or course material with my friends?

Nopes. This is a paid product. So if you paid for can enjoy it. Exception: if you run an agency or manage a team, you can share this product with your team members.

How long is the course? 

1.5 hours of jam-packed instruction and Q&A, ensuring you come out on the other side with clear, actionable know-how. The course includes a brochure cheatsheet, brochure wireframing video tutorial, and make-your-life-easy templates. So for half the price of Apple Airpods, you get one powercourse that will seriously amplify your confidence — and earning power.

Adam Kirsch, AK Copywriting

"Michal's classes are 100% fluff-free. If you're looking for content packed with tried-and-tested, highly implementable tips and strategies to up your copy game TODAY, you've come to the right address."