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The Complete Client Discovery Questionnaire$97

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Rachel Fakheri
CEO, Bright Marketing

“The breadth and detail of the questionnaire Blew. Me. Away.”

I’d been doing discovery calls for a while before getting the Discovery Questionnaire Template. While my discovery sessions always ran smoothly, I figured it's nice to see what’s out there, right?
Well, I hadn’t even realized what I was missing. The breadth and detail of the questionnaire Blew. Me. Away. And significantly upped both my efficiency and the value I pass onto my clients. It’s about more than the discovery session. Using the Guide gave me a fuller, clearer, more complete picture of my client’s business so I get the copy right the first time — with less follow-up emails, clarifying phone calls, or revisions down the line. 

Happy clients, happy me.

A 16-page discovery template that gives you the meat you need to do your job right the first time — plus an efficient structure for your call.

For less than the cost of your weekly Target run, you get:
  • The professional, comprehensive, “plug-n-play” Discovery template
    (so you look goooood, without losing any time cutting, pasting, or formatting)

  • 49 carefully-crafted questions covering the 9 vital aspects of your client’s business
    (so you get the “meat” you need to get your job done right)

  • An efficient, time-saving structure for your Discovery Interview
    (so you don’t lose 2+ hours while Client narrates the entire evolution of their business )

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Complete Client Discovery Questionnaire$97

All prices in USD
